Gallagher iSeries Energizer WiFi Gateway #G56700
The Gallagher WiFi Gateway is compatible with all iSeries Energizers and provides the ability to manage your iSeries Energizer via the Gallagher Ag Devices App.
Simply connect your iSeries Energizer to a WiFi Gateway, sync the Ag Devices App and data will be sent straight to your pocket.
Download the App from App Store or Google Play.
The WiFi Gateway will connect to the port on the back of the i Series Energizer:
The controller is then connected directly to the WiFi Gateway
Before installing the WiFi Gateway:
The farmer needs to ensure that there is WiFi network coverage at the install location of the i Series Energizer. If the installation is in a remote location consider a WiFi Mobile hotspot as a connectivity solution.
The total monthly data required:
This will vary depending on the polling interval set for the fence monitors. If left at the default 3-hour interval the data usage should be less than 500MB per month. If increased to the minimal interval of 1 minute the usage will likely be close to 2GB per month.