Tomy John Deere 10 Inch Balance Bike #46145
The John Deere Balance Bike is the first bike for your child. It’s a perfect bicycle for developing balance and coordination. With its sturdy steel frame, adjustable handle bars, adjustable seat and non-slip handle bar grips, this toddler bike without pedals is a great first ride and the right size for young learners.
Durable and Light: This John Deere kids’ balance bike features a sturdy yet light-weight steel frame that is easy for kids to ride
Grows with Your Child: The adjustable handlebar and seat on this toddler bike is great for growing children
Comfortable Ride: The 10-inch, maintenance-free EVA tires creates a smooth rolling ride for fun with the family
Kids’ Bicycles: The John Deere toddler balance bike green color and quality build make it a great bike for kids ages 2 and up