More than any other time in the history of mankind, a bird sanctuary has become extremely necessary. According to a report prepared by Stanford University, by the next century, at least 10% of bird species in existence will have disappeared from the face of the earth. To escape this fate, people the world over need to help create more bird sanctuaries in their backyards. Creating a bird sanctuary not only benefits the birds, it will help you too. The birds will sing songs that will inspire you, they will eat those small insects that bother you, and leave behind some organic manure that you can use in your garden. How then do you go about making one?
Create a source of food and water

You can do this by planting vegetation that can attract the birds and that will be a good source of food. Consider planting sunflowers and honeysuckles. These and other flowers are a good way of attracting the hummingbirds. In addition, create a pond or a bird bath to serve as a source of water for the birds. Avoid buying special ‘nectar’. Instead, make your own at home. Most ‘nectar’ sold in shops contains ingredients that can be harmful to the health of the birds. When making nectar at home, don’t use food dye or honey. In addition, ensure your bird feeder stays full all the time. This will keep birds coming to your backyard; they will register it as a food source that never disappoints.
Add birdhouses and perches to your backyard
The birdhouses will serve as new habitats where the birds can nest and reproduce. The perches will provide a place to land and rest on. You can also plant trees like Hawthorn, Crabapple and Mulberry. These trees are known as great and safe places for the birds to use as a bird sanctuary, as well as excellent food sources for the birds.
Keep your cats indoors
If you are a cat lover, do your best to make sure the cats won’t scare the birds away. You could put a bell around your cat’s neck to serve sound a warning to the birds every time the cat is approaching.