Choosing Outdoor Gear For Your Next Adventure

So, you’ve decided you need some excitement in your life.  You’re tired of the day in, day out routine of sitting in an office for 9 or so hours a day and coming home where you just sit around.  You have weekends off and they should be about more than catching up on cleaning.  You’re going to live a little and venture into the great outdoors.  Where do you start when you’re looking for outdoor gear to buy?

If you are going on an overnight adventure, you will need shelter.  This typically would come in the form of a tent for those just starting out.  Something that will accommodate the number of people in your group and be weather resistant is a must.  Next, you’ll need a sleeping bag.  If you have an aversion to sleeping on the ground, consider an air mattress.  You’re off to a good start.

You know you will want food and drink while you are on your adventure.  That means a cooler.  Pick a high quality cooler that will keep your food fresh and be strong enough to act as a seat.  Since you’re thinking of food, you’ll need something to cook the food in.  Bring along a pot and pan.  Bring along eating utensils and plates.  If you don’t plan on building a fire, don’t forget a camp stove.  Whether you are using a fire or a camp stove, you’ll need to bring matches.  Keep them dry in a sealed container.  If cooking isn’t on your agenda, you can prepackage meals to bring along.  Personal care items are based on each individual.  You know what you’ll need and what you don’t.  Make sure to pack everything in weather-proof containers.

Now to the fun part, outdoor activities.  What are you going to do while you’re out there?  Fishing?  Rock climbing?  Hunting?  Hiking?  Each activity will need specialized outdoor gear.  You’ll need fishing poles and bait for fishing.  You’ll need helmets, harnesses, ropes, special shoes and gloves for rock climbing.  If you’re going hunting, you’ll need weapons, ammo and appropriate clothing.  And if you’re going hiking, you’ll need a sturdy shoe and comfortable clothing.

Researching all these specialized items might seem daunting.  What if you don’t get the right stuff?  What if you picked a brand that is of low quality?  It’s important to become knowledgeable about the activity you are taking up but it’s ok to rely on a good sporting goods store employee to help with the rest.  Sporting goods store employees are familiar with the equipment they sell.  They can navigate you to the appropriate equipment for you.  So, don’t be bashful, step up and ask questions.   Make your new adventure a success!