Protect Your Ears With High-quality Hearing Protection

i was only 15 the first time i ever went to a firing range with my dad.  i still remember that morning like it was yesterday: it was the morning of my birthday and as i came downstairs i noticed a rectangular box sitting on the kitchen table with a bright bow on top of it.  my parents came into the kitchen as i made my way to the table.  they made me wait to open it until after they sang “happy birthday” to me.

when i took the lid off the box the smell of gun oil hit my nostrils and i knew before i had even finished moving the wrapping paper what would be waiting for me underneath.  my dad told me, “you’ve done so well in school and your hunting safety classes so we figured it was time for you to have your own rifle.”

it was only a .22 caliber rifle, but to a 15-year-old boy it was the best present ever.  after breakfast, my dad and i piled into the truck and drove out to the range.  as we walked out to the target area my dad handed me a pair of earmuffs and said, “you’ve only got one set of ears, so make sure you never shoot without protection.”

good hearing protection is a must

now—more than 30 years after that bright september morning—i still hear my dad’s words in my head every time i go shooting.  and i make sure that i have my hearing protection with me every time.

at Safford Trading Company you’ll find a great selection of ear protection in a wide range of styles and prices.  regardless of whether you prefer a full set of earmuffs or something smaller like ear pods we have something that will fit your taste and your budget.

you only have one set of ears so make sure that you always have your hearing protection close at hand whenever you go to the range.  take some time to browse our selection and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  we are here to make sure that your shooting experience is both fun and safe.