One of the oldest forms of hunting was with the bow and arrow. You can probably picture these hunters with a crudely curved bow and a plant substance or rawhide was used as the string. Arrows consisted of pieces of wood with a point carved into them. Eventually arrowheads were added to the arrows replacing […]
My husband is not the most romantic of guys. He never notices when I get my hair done or if I’m wearing a new outfit. He always forgets the exact date of my birthday and our anniversary. So, imagine my surprise when I came home after work to find dinner on the table and the […]
Are you going on a picnic? Are you kayaking down the river? What about going on a camping trip? Are you fishing for the day? There’s one piece of equipment that is needed in all of these scenarios; a cooler. There’s nothing like working up a sweat outside and reaching in your cooler to find […]
If you’ve been outside lately, you know it’s cold out there! That arctic blast of cold air has frozen the United States all the way down to Florida. Keeping warm has become imperative for those who spend time outside. All those road workers, hunters, construction workers and loggers know how painful and dangerous frozen feet […]
yes, that’s right. we’re getting into the blogging scene. we feel it is about time as we have quite the following now. stay tuned for more news and events info. we promise the blogs will be much longer and informative than this in the future. 🙂 thanks for your support! sincerely, team Safford Trading Company
Hello Everyone, We have grown greatly over the past 15 years and during that time, we have met and befriended a great many people. You’ve probably noticed that our Facebook page has grown to 5000 strong. We felt that we would say hello to you all here on our new blog and inform you to […]
hello everyone, we are pleased to announce our new web site. we have made it more secure and have improved the shopping process and overall speed. please contact us with any feedback in regards to what you think. thank you! sincerely, team Safford Trading Company